Friday 6 April 2012

Shooting script 2

Shot 1.
'Slasher Inc Presents' caption will be displayed on a black background with a cloud effect.
                                                                                            Sound: Non diegetic,haunting tone

Fades to:
Shot2. Exterior, High key lighting
Dolly shot of door opening at a long shot.
                                                                                            Sound: Non diegetic,haunting tone

Fades to:
The caption 'what if one night' will be displayed.
                                                                                                                 Sound: Non diegetic

Fades to:
Shot 4. Interior, High key lighting
Close up camera shot of victims hand chained to a bar.
                                                                                        Sound:Non diegetic, Ambient sound

Cut to:
Shot 5. Interior, Low key lighting
Cut-in shot of antagonist sharpening his weapon.
                                                                                                              Sound: Non diegetic

Fades to:
Shot 6. Exterior, High key lighting
Tracking shot of the antagonist sharpening his weapon.

 Sound: Non diegetic
Cut to:
Shot 7. Interior, Low key lighting
Close up shot and steadicam of a digging fork being scrapped across the floor by the antagonist while he walks towards his vitcim.
  Sound: Non diegetic, Ambient sound
Cut to:
Shot 8.
The caption 'Your darkest dreams' will be displayed.
 Sound: Non diegetic

Cut to:
Shot 9.Interior, Low key lighting
Close up shot of the antagonist attempting to handcuff the victim to a bar.
 Sound: Non diegetic, Ambient sound

Cut to:
Shot 10.Interior, Low key lighting
Close up shot of the victims finger on the antagonists scissors.
 Sound: Non diegetic
Cut to:
Shot 11.Interior, Low key lighting
Close up shot of the victim vigerously moving her hand whilst chained to the bar.
 Sound: Non diegetic, Ambient sound
Cut to:
Shot 12.Interior, Low key lighting
Close up shot of the victims finger being cut off  by the antagonists.
 Sound: Non diegetic, Foley sound effect
Cut to:
Shot 13.
The caption 'Came to reality' will be displayed.
 Sound: Non diegetic
Cut to:
Shot 14.Interior, Low key lighting
Medium shot and dolly camera movement of the antagonist walking towards the camera.
 Sound: Non diegetic

Cut to:
Shot 15.Interior, Low key lighting
Close up shot of the victim moving her hand whist chained to the bar.
 Sound: Non diegetic,Ambient sound
Cut to:
Shot 16.Interior, Low key lighting
Medium shot of the antagonist approaching the victim and placing his hand on her head.
 Sound: Non diegetic
Cut to:
Shot 17.Interior, Low key lighting
Medium shot and dolly camera movement of antagonist walking towards the camera.
 Sound: Non diegetic
Cut to:
Shot 18.Interior, Low key lighting
Medium close up of the antagonist holding up the victims head by her hair and looking at her.

 Sound: Non diegetic
Cut to:
Shot 19.Interior, Low key lighting
Close up shot of antagonist picking up the victims finger.
 Sound: Non diegetic
Cut to:
Shot 20.Interior, Low key lighting
Medium close up of antagonist twitching.
 Sound: victim scream

Cut to:
Shot 21.
The caption 'A beautiful nightmare' and 'Coming soon' will be displayed.
 Sound: Non diegetic

Cut to:
Shot 22.Interior, Low key lighting
Medium close up of the antagonist using his weapon to make a slash movement.
 Sound: Silence