Thursday 15 September 2011

Introduction to our blog

Over the summer period we have been creatively thinking of a concept for a teaser trailer. Our media class was divided into small groups of four. The given task is to produce a teaser trailer of 30-40 seconds.  Alongside the filming of the trailer we must also produce a magazine front cover and poster. The genre has to be horror so in order to achieve a successful trailer we must go through lots of planning and research as to the common conventions. Within our group we have all elected roles for each other in order to ensure that the work is done and uploaded by a given time.

Harry is going to be the Photoshop director who will set dates by which certain productions need to be carried out. He was also given the role within the class to work with lighting. This means that he will need to help each group filming to ensure a successful trailer. Harry will also play a big part In the cutting and editing of the video.

Jouvan was given the role within the classroom to work with the equipment. This is an important role because he will need to ensure that all the filming equipment is cleared away properly after each group has finished filming. Within our group Jouvan is going to work alongside Harry in cutting and editing the film seeing as he has advanced Adobe Photoshop skills.

Elizabeth is in charge of the writing within our group. Whenever we have an idea she will print it down on paper and transfer it to a word document to ensure that it can be posted on the blog.  Within the class Elizabeth will aid other groups with getting any necessary props for their productions.

Adeola will be organizing the make-up for all the groups in classroom. This is an important role seeing as the special effects and make-up is contributes greatly to making a horror movie trailer successful.  She will also be dealing with the administrative side to things on the blog. Her role is to upload the work given by the group and ensure it is posted by a given date.

Despite all our individual roles we are all going to play an equal part to ensure that our teaser trailer exceeds expectation. Over the summer we all carried out research into the conventions of a teaser trailer and we all watched a various amount of horror movies for inspiration.

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