Wednesday 28 December 2011

Ideal Audience Member Profile

During a discussion, within our Media group ‘Slasher Inc’, we all came up with an idea on what our ideal audience member profile would be. A audience member profile is the type of person that would be likely to view our film, e.g. a stereotype of the sort of person that’d go out of the way to watch our movie.

Now we all had our own rough ideas, on the person that would likely see our film. But once we’d sat down, rallied together we soon form idea’s on what this person would be like, how old they’d be, what social groups they would be part of. So from this we put the right words and phrases together to give ourselves a clear outline on this ideal audience member. This is the idea, in which we came up with;

  • Be called Dave
  • Be 18
  • Studying in College, at the moment, but will go on and further his education in University
  • Studies technological subjects, such as ICT, Media
  • In his spare time ‘Dave’ loves playing video games on the ‘PlayStation 3’, with his favorite games being violent games such as ‘Manhunt’ and/or ‘Call of Duty’
  • Aside from playing videos, in his spare time, he also likes to listen to music of the genre ‘Heavy Metal’ and attend music gigs, to do with that genre
  • He is also apart of many groups such as ‘The Cannabis Club’, where he likes to bond and make new friends

To go along with our written down views on what ‘Dave’ would be like, act like we also had a fair idea on what he’d look like as a person. To help illustrate our ideas/views, we scowled the internet in hope of finding images that would fit our idea of ‘Dave’. These are a few images, which show the picture we have in our head of ‘Dave.

 Notice how, the person pictured, is young-looking, wears converse, rock t-shirts and is smoking to show an almost rebel-side to him. This image shows the look of the person, in which we imagine 'Dave' to look like.

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