Friday 30 March 2012

Evaluation question 3

Adeola's Response

As part of our post-production feedback I got three friends to watch our teaser trailer and send me their opinions via BBM. As shown below the pasted the link to each of them and requested feeback. I chose to use the Blackberry Messenger software on Blackberry because it is a popular smartphone amongst the age groups of those 18+ which is our target audience for our teaser trailer. I use an application called Screen Muncher to capture the feedback that i was given.

Based on the feedback that I have received I believe that the teaser trailer worked really well especially the false finger cutting. It was a successful aspect within our trailer that came across and chilling and scary; the impacts that a horror teaser trailer are supposed to have.

Through our post-production feedback we learned that there was room for improvement within our trailer. We challenged a convention when we decided to use high key lighting but this may not have worked as effectively as we thought it would. Darkness instantly connotes fear and that is what horror is all about. I believe that is one of the area's that we could work on if we was to do the project again.

I also viewed the comments that was left on our youtube account in relation to our teaser trailer. Based on this information it was clear that the teaser trailer worked quite well but there where small areas in which other people had different opinions about. This is perfectally understand because everyone has a different expectation and standard of what they expect to see in a teaser trailer. 

This was the reaction of one of my peers to our teaser trailer. The part where the finger was cut seems to be effective as a scare.

Elizabeth's response:

To gather my post production feedback from people about our groups film poster and magazine cover, I sent the following email to people to attaching a copy of these two media products.

I asked five females and five males all between the ages 17-20 but for this I will be evaluating four responses. Generally the feedback I got was positive and however there were some suggestions on how to make improvements in the future.

Here, the receipt says that he finds our pieces quite plain but he does think they look good and suitable to the horror genre. Funnily enough Jordan says he hasn’t seen a plain black background used on a film poster before and he thinks it worked well. Personally I am surprised that the black background was new to him as I would have thought that that was typical of horror film posters. Jordan goes on to say that he would go and see our film which is of course good to know.

Secondly, I have Sally’s response she also said she found our film poster quite plain however she did like the image used. She also said that our media products look suitable for the genre but she feels that unlike the film poster, there’s nothing really original about the magazine front cover. From Sally’s response to the final question it seems our accompanying teaser trailer would determine whether or not she’d go and see our movie as she does not seem fully convinced.

The feedback received from my next participant was generally very good. Emmanuel found the use of red on our media products ‘really eye catching’. He thought our pieces looked suitable for the horror genre and that we never broke and conventions of similar products out there. Emmanuel is as well interested to see what our teaser and film have to offer. 

Last but not the least, the fourth respondent I will be analysing is Yasmin. She gave some positive feedback too and she too does not think we broke any conventions.

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