Tuesday 13 March 2012

Evaluation Question 3

The question for this evaluation question is 'what have you learned from your audience feedback?'

Harry's response;

Now that we have finished our Media productions (poster, magazine and teaser trailer) we can now gain information/feedback on what went well with our products and also what didn't go well.

First of we have the movie poster. The poster is what would be used to advertise our movie in places such as bus stops and billboards etc. To gain some feedback the poster I used the social networking site Facebook - in order for people to comment or like, if they liked what they saw. The image below is what people thought about it

 If you look at the image you can see quite clearly that people liked our poster. All the comments gave a good remark and the only negative was that someone said you could of looked a little bit more 'beaten-up' but again they said it worked very well. It also got 5 'likes' showing that 5 people indeed liked our poster. This has led me to the conclusion that were we to do the poster again I, personally, wouldn't change anything. As the saying goes 'don't fix what isn't broken' and as no negative comments were put up I learned that we done our poster very well

Now the magazine, on the other hand, didn't work anywhere as near good as the poster. Again, via the use of Facebook, I was able to get peoples opinion on the product on what worked well and what didn't work as well. If you look at the image below you can see what people thought of the magazine.
As you can see the magazine was not very well received at all. Each comment was a comment on ways in which we could of made the magazine better and no real comments about what worked well or what was actually good about the magazine. Also, if you look, you can see that no body pressed on the 'like' button. This shows me that no-one really liked the magazine. What I learned from this audience feedback is that had we have a chance to do the magazine again we would come with a completely different idea or just use the criticisms people had to our advantage and just switched up some of the work to suit what our audience we like.

Teaser trailer:
Now for our final product, our teaser trailer.
The way in which I collected feedback for this was a little bit different to the ways I collected it for the previous products. Again I used Facebook but I also let someone watch the trailer just to see their reaction and to tell whether it actually 'teased' or scared them.  Watch the video below to see the reaction, from a fellow CTK student.
From watching over this video I can see clearly what worked and what didn't.
By looking at the video from 00:37 to 00:41 you can see that the student is genuinely horrified at the trailer. This made me learn that perhaps I should of involved more moments in the trailer which would of made someone watching it 'horrified'. His opinion was also very valuable. When he watched our teaser trailer we had presumed that the sound and editing was perfect but thanks to his feedback we learned that we were actually missing a vital component of our trailer! Without his feedback we may of forgotten to add it in and thus lost out on marks.

To gain a bit more feedback than just that from one student watching the clip and his reaction I also put the video on Facebook.
 Opinions were generally favorable, apart from one comment which has stuck in my mind. This comment is the one which says "it was really light". This stuck in my mind as it has made me realize that perhaps our trailer was a bit too bright for that of a horror trailer as they're known for being very dark to promote fear. This has made me come to the conclusion that were I to do this project again I would go out of my way to make sure my trailer was a LOT more dark - so it fits into the horror genre seamlessly.

Also, the beauty of Facebook is that it allows friends to share your clips. This meant that some friends of mine were able to click the 'share' button and let their friends see it. This helped as it meant that their friends could then view and comment the video and as they wouldn't know me personally they would give opinions honestly and not just be kind because I am their friend. Below we have an image of my video link from my friends Facebook.
 As you can see, many people liked it and even one person said they wanted to watch it due to the fact that it is 'very spooky'. This showed me that we (Slasher Inc) must of done a good job in our filming if people would actually want to go and see it.

In conclusion, my audience has showed me nothing more than the fact that 'you cannot please everyone' - by this I mean that some people will like you work whilst others will not be a fan of it. If I had another opportunity I would do a couple things different but overall I am very happy with the work I, and my group, created and I am glad people gave me their opinions on what worked well and what didn't.

Jouvans response: YouTube feedback  

YouTube was a very useful internet technology we used to display our teaser trailer to our audience to view and to leave feedback on our teaser trailer. From our audience feedback we found on an overall the audience liked the teaser trailer as the majority of comments written were positive, for example one person made a comment saying that they liked the quick cuts and the captions used in the teaser trailer. We did however get some positive criticism from an individual who said the teaser trailer music could have been synchronised.

We also found from our like/dislike status bar that 6 people liked the teaser trailer and only one person disliked it. From this we can tell that the majority of people viewing our teaser trailer liked it in comparison to people disliking it which shows that our audience view our teaser trailer positively. 

The above image shows the age group our teaser trailer is mostly watched by, from this information we found out that our audience is watched by younger people and this could be our target audience if we were to make an actual film from our teaser trailer. The image below shows that our teaser trailer is viewed mostly in Great Britain.

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