Tuesday 4 October 2011

Harry's 3 favourite horror movies

My own personal experience of the genre horror has made me come to a realization of what my favourite sub-genre is. My favourite sub-genre of horror would have to be 'Slasher', which is in fact going to be the genre of our teaser trailer. This has led me to think about what my favourite films of the sub-genre 'slasher' are. In no particular order they go;

Texas Chainsaw Massacre;
This film just has to be an all-time classic of horror as a whole. To back up my claim, you can only point to the fact that Leatherface and his chainsaw have become as iconic as Freddy and his razors or Jason and his hockey mask. With this being said, I don't really have to say much more about this movie as I'm sure it'd be high up on anybody's list of favourite horror movies. Baring in mind that I have put up the trailer of the remake of 'TCM', only because there is much more gore and scare in the modern one than there is in the original, not that it takes anything away from the original though.

In all honesty, I am a sucker for original horror movies. Hence why you see a lot of older based films on this list. But back to why I have put Halloween on my top 3. What type of list could begin to talk about so-called 'slasher' movies without Halloween? Although, due too modern times Halloween has lost it's 'edge' because of the horror that is in today's movies, Halloween is also very much a classic and one of the first films to feature such gore as stabbings. A movie I can watch over and over again, the effect it would grow to have on horror movies through the ages is astonishing.

A Nightmare on Elm Street
If you could tell me that you slept soundly, after watching this movie, then no doubt in my mind but you're lying. I don't really have to say a lot about this movie because mentioning the title says it all, any child that didn't have nightmares about Freddy Kruger coming into their dreams has obviously not seen the film. The savage imagery and deeply perverted sexual themes placed this film in the pantheon of great horror. One of the scariest movies of all time and one of my favourite.

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