Monday 10 October 2011

Title progress

Today was the day in which all the four members, of our group, came together and decided fully on what our production team shall be called. The name in which we came up with is 'Slasher Inc'.
We all chipped into the discussion with ideas. We came up with many different names, some of these ideas being names based on Latin words for horror/nightmares, (as dreams/nightmares is what our story will be based around) to names such as 'Sweetdreams turn to nightmares'.

After a lenghty discussion we all came to the realisation that some of our movie titles were too long or they lacked originality. Reason being, that a group from within our own Media class had come up with the idea of using Latin words for there name of their production team.

So all us members rallied together and thought of what would be a good name. This is where the idea for 'Slasher Inc' came from. The word 'Slasher' coming from the fact that our teaser trailer will be based around the sub-genre of 'slasher' and the 'Inc' just basically coming from us all agreeing that this would help us seem more professional/grown up.

This discussion was very helpful as it helped us finally get a name for our group and now that we've got our production teams name we can now begin to create and design a logo for our group, based on the name.

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