Teaser trailer
My groups teaser trailer developed, used and challenged real media
conventions. Our teaser trailer used real media conventions by being less than
80 seconds long, our teaser trailer was 54 seconds long and most real media
teaser trailers last between 30 to 80 seconds hence why our teaser trailer used
Our trailer used music which is another example of how we
used real media conventions in a teaser trailer. Music was used in our teaser
trailer to create a horrific atmosphere for the viewers. The music used in our
teaser trailer was non diegetic music which started of slow and increased in
pace towards the end of the trailer. In addition I used ambient sound to get
certain background sound such as the ‘finger cut’ in the teaser trailer.
Another convention my media group used was including captions
into the teaser trailer. We included captions as a way of persuading the
audience and creating suspense and tension. This is a common feature used in real media
teaser trailers.
I also used conventions of real media teaser trailers by
including props into the trailer. In the screenshot below you can see that my
media group included many props in the teaser trailer. We used these props
because they are found in Slasher trailers and we wanted our teaser to be as realistic
as possible.
Other conventions which our teaser trailer used was including
blood in the trailer, this connotes the Slasher genre our teaser trailer was
centred on. We also included the film title and the film release date at the
end of the teaser trailer. This is the order of how real media teaser trailers
include the information and we followed this.
The teaser trailer challenges conventions in real teaser
trailers because it uses a black victim and a black antagonist. Many teaser trailers use white characters in
their trailers however ours challenges the convention. We challenged this
convention to make our teaser trailer unique in comparison to real media teaser
Our teaser trailer developed conventions by the teaser
trailer being set daylight, most teaser trailers are set in the evening and
tend to be filmed when it is dark. We also challenged conventions by having the
main character in a unique mask which covers his face. The majority of teaser
trailers don’t show the antagonist however ours does but a mask is used to keep
the antagonist face covered.
Firstly my group’s poster uses conventions of real media products by using a layout style which the majority of real horror posters use. The layout of our poster is very similar to the sub-genre of horror our poster is related to (Slasher). From the images below which show my groups poster and Friday the 13th poster it is evident that our poster uses real media product conventions by following the same layout of a Slasher poster. From analysing the two posters below you can see that the tagline is at the top of both posters, the main image is in the middle, the title, credits and logos are positioned at the bottom of the poster.

The poster also uses real media product conventions by having the font of the title in red. It follows conventions as red is a connotation of horror and red symbolises blood, danger, power and pain which are all connected to the horror genre. In addition many Slasher posters use red coloured text for their poster title for example '30 days of night' which is below. ‘Face your fears’ is the name of the font which was used in my groups poster which I downloaded from dafont.com before making the font red specifically to follow real media conventions in order to make it look more realistic.
My group’s poster also followed real media conventions by using a tagline. Our poster has a tagline which Slasher posters use to persuade the audience into watching their film. Our tagline followed conventions by being short, catchy and leaving the audience in suspense.
Another convention my group used was including our company’s logo at the bottom of the poster. My group also included credits in our poster, credit is a common feature included in real media posters and I tried to make the credits on my group’s poster as identical to the real horror credits in order to follow horror poster conventions. From the images below of my group’s and Nightmare on Elm streets poster credits you can see that they both use a small font size and follow a row by row format pattern.
Our poster also follows conventions because it uses low key lighting in the main image and uses a serif font style for the tagline, film title and credits.
My groups poster challenges conventions of real media products by featuring a black antagonist and a black victim. Most horror film posters rarely include a black antagonist and mostly include white characters. In addition our poster challenges conventions as the victim in our poster is a female and most horror posters use the antagonist as the character in the main image of the poster.
Our poster developed conventions of real media products by using a medium shot camera angle for the main image, most posters use close ups or long shot camera angles for their main image however my group decided to challenge this to make out poster more unique.Below is an example of a real horror poster which uses a long shot for its posters main image.
The poster also developed convention as it uses 'coming soon' as a date , this entices the audience as they are unaware of when it will be shown. Real horror posters use actual dates such as Halloween 2007 and Saw iv which poster release dates on their posters are below.
Magazine front cover
My group’s magazine uses conventions found in real media
magazine by including a bold, red and large masthead. Another convention used
in the magazine is the use of a colour scheme, the majority of real media
magazines follow a strict colour scheme to make the magazine consistent. My
group followed a red, white and yellow colour scheme. We also used conventions by including a main
coverline and coverlines in the magazine, the main coverline was significantly
larger than the other coverlines in order for viewers to know the main topic
the magazine is about. My group also used conventions found in real media
magazines by including a timeline below the masthead and also on the barcode.
The magazine challenges real media conventions by including a
black character in the magazine, most magazines use which main characters in
their magazine. Another challenge was that we included a victim in the main
image, real media magazines usually use the antagonist for the main image in
their magazine.
My magazine develops conventions found in real media
magazines by including a puff, a puff was used in the magazine as a way of advertising
a prize which we did to persuade the user to buy the magazine. Magazines don’t include
puffs but we developed it by using a blood stain shape for the puff details to
be included into instead of a sticker shape which some real magazines use.
Another way
the magazine develops conventions is by using a plus sign instead of including
the text. This was done to make the magazine more informal and attract a our
ideal audiences which are teenagers.