Wednesday 9 May 2012

Jouvan: Evaluation 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Each member from my group have tackled the following question, I will also be tacking this question by focusing on the statistic feedback  my groups media product received and explaining what I have learnt from it. 

YouTube was a very useful internet technology we used to display our teaser trailer to our audience to view and to leave feedback on our teaser trailer. From our audience feedback we found on an overall the audience liked the teaser trailer as the majority of comments written were positive, for example one person made a comment saying that they liked the quick cuts and the captions used in the teaser trailer. We did however get some positive criticism from an individual who said the teaser trailer music could have been synchronised.

We also found from our like/dislike status bar that 6 people liked the teaser trailer and only one person disliked it. From this we can tell that the majority of people viewing our teaser trailer liked it in comparison to people disliking it which shows that our audience view our teaser trailer positively. 

The above image shows the age group our teaser trailer is mostly watched by, from this information we found out that our audience is watched by younger people and this could be our target audience if we were to make an actual film from our teaser trailer. The image below shows that our teaser trailer is viewed mostly in Great Britain.

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