Wednesday 9 May 2012

Jouvan: Evaluation 2

During the production of my main products it was essential that that magazine, poster and teaser trailer and ancillary texts had effective continuity. The combination of the product and ancillary texts needed to have effect continuity in order for the audience to know the main products are related and to enable the product to be easily recognisable when promoted.

My group included key features from our main products to keep continuity throughout the production of our main products. The victim was included in all of the product’s we creates which allowed the audience to know the magazine, poster and teaser trailer had a relation related.To keep continuity in the our main products we used a specific font which would be used for all of our products, the titles appearance did change in different products for example in the magazine a stoke effect was used as you can see from the screenshot below however the same font was used to keep continuity throughout our main products. Another tool used for continuity in our main product was having the same costume used by the character, the character wore a grey top in all of our main products to make the film more recognisable.

Another use of continuity was the colour scheme in my groups main products, our ancillary texts all followed a black, red and white colour scheme. This colour scheme was initially used as a way of connoting horror as these are popular colours used in real media products.

Above is an example of the film ‘The Dark Knight’ which was released in 2008, the image shows how a real media product uses continuity in their products, from the image you can see how they used similar colour scheme, font and title font to make the products recognisable. 

Our main products all have a sense of continuity to make the audience become familiar and recognise that each of our products are connected. It is also important to promote our main products in order for them to be seen and reach a large audience. This brings me to the topic of cross media convergence,this is a good tool to make our ideal audience see our products in the marketing section of our work which will persuade them to watch the film.  Below are some examples of how my groups products will look when advertised.

Bus stop


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