Saturday 28 January 2012

Green screen

From the majority of teaser trailers you see there is usual a 'green screen' at the very beginning of the clip like the one below.
This screen is done to quickly, at a glance, tell the audience/viewers who can view the movie and who has in fact rated the movie at the certificate it has been given.

Our group all decided we would like to use this 'green screen' to give our teaser trailer more of a 'real' feel. But upon looking into this we soon gathered some restrictions in us using this 'green screen'. One of these restrictions is the fact that copy right stops use from using it as we're using someone elses work and do not have the right to use it.

Because of this we all rallied together and decided that to get around this problem we would instead make a 'green screen' ourselves.

There were a variety of steps involved in the making of this but it took no longer than 20 minutes to make and so wasn't time consuming.

First step: Choosing the right tone of green
To make the screen like authentic our group member Harry tried out a variety of 'greens' to use as the background colour. I decided this tone of green was the best I could get and so the colour we choose was #007c00 on Photoshop.

Second step: The following preview
The next step was to begin writing text upon the green screen. As a separate layer, named 'text', I began to write "the following preview has been approved for" and used totally white colouring.

Third step: All Audiences
Next part of the text was to write "All Audiences" this was done to let the audience know who the film is intended for. Notice how this part is done in totally bold - so it stands out and people can quickly gather information quickly.

Fourth step: Slasher Inc
Giving a twist on the usual text of 'by the motion picture association of America, Inc' I decided to put the exact same writing, except to change the 'America, Inc' part too 'Slasher Inc'. This helps to promote our own Media production team and gain it a wider spread attention from movie-goers.

Fifth step: Websites
This step is done to put two web links up, where people can voice any problems they have with the certificate of the film. Again I changed the to to further promote our production team - so our movies can be viewed by an larger audience and our audience can voice any concerns they have.

Sixth step: Changing font
From viewing previous pictures you can see that the font I used looked nothing like the font used in the actually official green screen. So this is where I decided to go back and change the font from 'Helvetica Heavy' to plain out simple 'Arial'. Although this can be seen as too simplistic I feel as if it works better and gives it a more sophisticated look. Notice how I also changed 'PREVIEW' and 'ALL AUDIENCES' from bold to no bold but just made their specific font size bigger, to make it stand out more from the other text.

Seventh step: Testing out drop shadows
In the original green screen you see a black shadow on the back of the text. I sought to achieve this in my text and so to do this I simply added a drop shadow to any text, I wanted, and simply tweaked it to whatever looked best.

Eighth step: Adding more shadows
I liked the effect the shadow was giving off and so proceed to add shadows to more of my text

Ninth step: Adding more and more shadows!
As the above step I decided it were best to just add this effect to every bit of text upon the green screen and you can see I have done this by looking at my layers column.

Finished: The finished article

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