Saturday 28 January 2012

Test Shots from filming final scenes

When we got to Jouvan's house we all had an idea that the filming would run smoothly and we would be finished in an hour or two. However, this turned out to not be the case. Filming turned out to be much harder than we intended and because of this we spend, the majority, of the time actually discussing how we shall plan out our shots and in what ways we can make them effective and ultimately work.

The first video on this post was spent working out how we can get Jouvan in our shot, for our scene, but without him being seen. Such were the things we were discussing that it even led to one of our group members asking 'is this scary?'.

The next video is a continuation of our conversation from the original video and in this video we're discussing what we shall actually do when it comes to the actual shot and we're just basically testing out to see if it'll work.

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