Sunday 8 January 2012

Adeola Horror Magazine Analysis

Scream is a UK horror magazine featuring articles from many different horror movies such as scream itself, nightmare on elm street and many more.

The target audience for this magazine would be horror movie fans preferably those over the age of 18. This is due to the fact that most horror movies are certified 18 and therefore their viewers will be of age 18 or over.

Denotation: The magazine consists of a red, green, white and orange theme. This rejects the traditional magazine colour scheme as they are normally only three colours.  The main image is of horror movie character Freddy Krueger with his signature blade glove. We see him through a medium shot showing his upper chest, shoulders and head. Although we cannot see his lower half it is quite clear that he is standing up. The setting  of the picture has similar stripes to that on Freddy Krueger’s jumper and the lower half of the setting seems to be an area with burning flames.  Above the main image is the masthead ‘scream’ in a rectangular box. In this box is the price of the magazine and the issue number.  On the left hand side of the magazine  there are three cover lines including actors from horror movies accompanied by their pictures. The pictures are all medium close up shots. The cover lines are all in yellow bold text followed my red text. In the left hand corner there is a barcode present as in all magazines. 

Masthead: ‘SCREAM’ is in bold white text. It has a green background. The masthead connotes death seeing as there is what seems to be dripping blood from the letters. The masthead itself connotes a sense of negativity based on the fact that people normally scream when they are in need of help. Across the centre of the masthead is four lines of blood, possibly a victim’s blood.  This yet again represents a insight of gory events to the audience. 

The main image of the magazine front cover is a medium shot of Freddy Krueger from Nightmare on Elm Street. His Costume is a green and red jumper with a black hat and a black blade glove. The characters NVC connotes disgust. We can see this through the facial expression that he gives off to the audience. He is looking directly at the audience almost as though we are the victim, this effectively creates a sense of fear which is the aim for a horror magazine. The fact that the hand with the blade is visible whilst his other hand is not visible gives the audience a clear idea that the main focus of the magazine is slash horror. There is also a trail of blood leading from top of the magazine towards the blade almost as though it was used on a victim. The black hat that Freddy Krueger is wearing connotes mystery. This could be the mystery of the events that are due to take place in the movie or the mystery as to wear the blood on the blade originated from.  The characters face in the main image also looks burnt which relates to the flames in the background of the magazine front cover.

The tagline ‘Blood, Guts, Gore & More’ gives the audience awareness that it is a slash horror working alongside with the main image.  The Tagline connotes that there is due to be a lot of bloody, gory and horrific events. The use of the words Guts and Gore presents linguistic techniques such as alliteration.  

Positioned in the top left hand corner was the internet link for the magazine. This would enable readers to view the magazine’s webpage online and look at any additional articles that may not have been published in the magazine.

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