Monday 20 February 2012

Meeting 20/02/12: Magazine & Poster ideas

As with anything you do, in any walk of life, you have to plan out the ways in which you're going to achieve this objective. Take, for example, architecture - the builders don't just make a new rail station etc just of the top of their head, they plan it out over months of preparation.

This is no different from what we've done in our Media work - only noticeable difference being the fact that we're not planning on building a train station or have months in order to plan it out.

So during our Monday lesson time we all met up and decided to make some detailed drafts on ways in which are magazine and poster will look, respectively.

In the next few posts you're about to see our plans (drafts) for these productions and as we're fast reaching our coursework deadline to hand them in we're hoping these drafts are of a great use - in order to secure us those top marks in our magazine and poster and hope this planning helped to make them, both, look as good as can be.

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