Sunday 19 February 2012

Planning Schedule: part 2

As we decided we were going to film on two seperate days it meant we'd need to make a total of 'two' planning schedules.

What we will shoot:
The 2nd day of filming took place on 07/02/12. This took place at 10:40am, onwards.

Camera shots:
A total of 4 shots would have to be filmed on this day. These 4 shots would be used to film the middle part of our trailer.

Crew on set:
Again, there was a total of 4 members of the crew on set. These 4 members being everyone involved in the group; Harry, Jouvan, Adeola and Elizabeth.

Cast required for scenes:
The difference today was the fact that we'd need a total number of 2 cast for one of the scenes we were filming. So again two cast required but there was the need for 2 members of the cast, in one scene.

Equipment needed:
We would need a towel to go in our victims mouth, a rope to be tied around her body and fake weapon to be shown being aimed at the victims face.
Towel around victims mouth

The rope used

The weapon used

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