Sunday 19 February 2012

Meeting 16/02/12

Rather than the usual normal meetings, this meeting was entirely different. It was different in the sense of ways of having the meeting and who was, infact, involved within this meeting.

First of this meeting only involved our creative members of the group - Jouvan and Harry - as they were the one's who'd be decideding upon the final font, that would be used in the movies title.

Secondly, as we're all on half-term, meeting would be a bit more different so instead of meeting face to face Harry and Jouvan shared a chat on the network application 'BlackBerry messenger' to have a conversation and hopefully lead to a final decision upon which font would be used for the title.

They shared the picture, below, between each other and decided which font was best and had more of a horror-feel to it. Expect to find out which font they decided upon when you see our final poster and magazine.

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