Thursday 2 February 2012

Shooting script

Green screen:    
Shot 1.
The green screen is used in the beginning of the teaser trailer to show that the following preview has been approved by all audiences. 
                                                                                                                     Sound: None
Slasher Inc logo: 
Shot  2.
Our groups company logo is briefly displayed                                                                                                                                  
                                                                       Sound: Non diegetic music,Haunting tone

Fade to:
Shot 3.  Interior-Bedroom , Night, Low key lighting 
Medium close up, a panning shot of  Isabel turning over in her bed is used to follow her movements from the left to right side of her bed.
                                                                      Sound: Ambient sound, Non diegetic music
Cuts to:
Shot 4.  Interior-Stairs, Night, Low key lighting
Close up, the camera tilts up to show the antagonist slowly walking up the house stairs.
                                                                  Sound: Foley sound effect, Non diegetic music
Cuts to:
Shot 5.  Interior-Bedroom, Night, Low key lighting
Medium close up of Isabel rapidly moving around the bed and suddenly opening her eyes.
                                                                     Sound: Ambient sound, Non diegetic music  

Cuts to:
Shot 6. Interior-Blue screen room, Night, Low key lighting
Steady cam of the antagonist slowly approaching Isabel.
                                                     Sound: Ambient sound, Non digetic, dialogue(screams)

Cuts to:
Shot 7.Interior-Blue screen room,Night, Low key lighting
Over the shoulder shot of the killer placing a weapon near Isabel's lips
                                                        Sound: Ambient sound, Non diegetic music, dialogue 

Cuts to: 
Shot 8.Interior-Blue screen room,Night, Low key lighting
Medium shot, Isabel gets pulled back from the chair. 
                                                                         Sound: Ambient sound, Non diegetic music 

Cuts to: 
Shot 9. Interior-bedroom,Night, Low key lighting
Medium close up, Isabel wakes up from her bed then gets dragged down by the antagonist.
                                                                                        Sound: Panting, Non digetic music

Cuts to:
Shot 10. Credits 

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