Tuesday 22 November 2011

Equipment we use

In this picture we are showing one of the lights we will use to add high and low key lighting to our teaser trailer. We had to set up the light by positioning it on the stand and setting it to the area you wanted to illuminate. If you position the light away from the subject then you will achieve low key lighting.

In this picture we are showing how we can use the small light and the big light to illuminate the characters face.

In this picture we are showing Elizabeth holding a hand held light to illuminate the lower area of her face. We practiced positioning the hand held light in different areas to show how we would illuminate certain areas of her face.

In this image there is a big light positioned behind Adeola. She is holding a hand held light on the left side of her face and Jouvan, who can not be seen in the image, is holding a hand held light on the right side of her face. Positioning the lights in these places meant that Adeola's face was well illuminated.

In this picture we are demonstrating how the different positions of the light give of different reflections. As shown in the image one light is reflecting on one side Harry whilst another is turned away from him. This creates a shadow on one side of Harry whilst the other is illuminated.

In  this shot we have Jouvan holding a hand held light on the left side of her face. This shows how important light is because the other side of her face is completely dark.

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