Sunday 20 November 2011

Harry's Audience Research

As part of our audience research, we decided to ask friends a set of questions in order to gather information on what things they like to see within a horror movie or just basically what they expect.
We all agreed to use the first 6 questions in all of our research. Those six questions were;

How old are you?
What is the gender?
What genre of films do you enjoy the most?
How long do you expect a teaser trailer to be?
What do you expect to see within a horror teaser trailer?
What colours do you think are suitable for a horror poster?

For the last question, of all our research, it would be a question we came up with individual. Reason being that the last question would add originality and just help our research to be a bit different come each others.

I've got results by asking these questions on the social networking site that is 'Facebook'. I asked these questions by just simply inboxing, whoever I wanted to ask, and then screen shoting what they said and putting the picture on this blog post.

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