Sunday 20 November 2011

Elizabeth's audience research

As part of the pre-production process, each member of our group conducted a survey asking a few people a number of questions so we could get an insight on the best way to construct our coursework. We all asked the same six questions and decided that we would ask an extra one of our choice. This is the unique question I came up with:

7) What was the last horror movie you watched and how did you find it?

I asked this question so that I could find out about some more horror movies and which ones worked well and which ones didn’t. This is helpful so that my group and I know what to avoid and what to adapt into our own productions. These are the questions I asked my audience:

I asked five different people and I got different responses which was good. Generally there were similar answers to the sixth question ‘What colours do you think are suitable for a horror film poster?’ Most people said red and mainly dark colours like black. Below are print screens of people’s responses to my questionnaire:


This person said they would expect a teaser trailer to be a maximum of 2-3 minutes, this indicates they don’t know what a teaser trailer is. This is understandable as many people are only common with trailers.


 This has reminded me about how it is important for a teaser trailer to grab the audiences’ attention.


Yet another person has said a teaser trailer should be two minutes which is definitely two long as conventionally a good teaser trailer is not up to two minutes long. 



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