Sunday 20 November 2011

Jouvans audience research

I conducted my audience research by asking four people the following questions on the social networking site 'Twitter'.
  1. How old are you?
  2. What's your gender?
  3. What genre of films do you enjoy the most?
  4. How long do you expect a teaser trailer to be?
  5. What do expect to see within a horror teaser trailer?
  6. What colours do you think are suitable for a horror poster?
  7. Would you prefer a teaser trailer to include fast or slow paced music?

Once my audience research was collected i released that the feedback I was provided with was inadequate and not as informative as I wanted it to be. In addition the audience research questions I asked weren't of a high standard as some of the questions I asked had no significant relation to horror. Therefore I decided to produce an improved questionnaire where i would use better questions and get better responses.

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