Friday 24 February 2012


In this blog post we have our groups final piece for the magazine.
This magazine is a way of advertising our movie, getting a hype around the movie and make people want to go and see the movie - all because it is being spoken about on the front page of a horror magazine.

This product we be sold in shops, supermarkets etc and helps to get our movie 'A Beautiful Nightmare' out in the open and introduces it to a wider audience.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Magazine pictures; before manipulation

In this post, here, we have the pictures that'll be used in the production of our movie magazine.
This is too show you how the pictures looked way before we began to edit/manipulate them.
These shall be the three images that you'll see on the final poster image.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Magazine drafts

Second up is our magazine drafts.
These drafts were all done by Adeola, in hope of giving fellow group member Harry some inspiration and creative ideas when it came down to him creating the final magazine to promote our movie.
First magazine idea

Second magazine idea

Third magazine idea

Poster drafts

In no particular order we have our poster drafts first up.
Our group member done 3 of these drafts, to help get a varied idea on multiple plans for the poster, and supplied these drafts to our group member Jouvan - he is the one making the poster - in hope that these drafts will give him ideas and help him in creating a 'perfect' poster.
First poster idea

Second poster idea

Third poster idea

Monday 20 February 2012

Meeting 20/02/12: Magazine & Poster ideas

As with anything you do, in any walk of life, you have to plan out the ways in which you're going to achieve this objective. Take, for example, architecture - the builders don't just make a new rail station etc just of the top of their head, they plan it out over months of preparation.

This is no different from what we've done in our Media work - only noticeable difference being the fact that we're not planning on building a train station or have months in order to plan it out.

So during our Monday lesson time we all met up and decided to make some detailed drafts on ways in which are magazine and poster will look, respectively.

In the next few posts you're about to see our plans (drafts) for these productions and as we're fast reaching our coursework deadline to hand them in we're hoping these drafts are of a great use - in order to secure us those top marks in our magazine and poster and hope this planning helped to make them, both, look as good as can be.

Sunday 19 February 2012

Total number of takes

As with any filming there are always going to be a number of 'takes' to ensure that that the filming is done correctly.

Even the top level of film-makers get it wrong and so a way to make sure the shots are done correctly they'll take a number of them.

This is no different from what we done.

So on the first day of filming we had a total number of '40' shots taken. Some of them were great, some were poor, but they were all important to help us achieve the best final shots we could have.
Highlighting all the clips used in order to find out how many were filmed

Now on the second day of filming we were working on a much tighter schedule, due to time and the fact that we were in College so people might of needed the classroom we were in. But nevertheless we still managed to capture 20 shots, in total.
Using the same technique to find out how many shots were filmed, in total

Planning Schedule: part 2

As we decided we were going to film on two seperate days it meant we'd need to make a total of 'two' planning schedules.

What we will shoot:
The 2nd day of filming took place on 07/02/12. This took place at 10:40am, onwards.

Camera shots:
A total of 4 shots would have to be filmed on this day. These 4 shots would be used to film the middle part of our trailer.

Crew on set:
Again, there was a total of 4 members of the crew on set. These 4 members being everyone involved in the group; Harry, Jouvan, Adeola and Elizabeth.

Cast required for scenes:
The difference today was the fact that we'd need a total number of 2 cast for one of the scenes we were filming. So again two cast required but there was the need for 2 members of the cast, in one scene.

Equipment needed:
We would need a towel to go in our victims mouth, a rope to be tied around her body and fake weapon to be shown being aimed at the victims face.
Towel around victims mouth

The rope used

The weapon used

Planning Schedule

What will we shoot:
The 1st day of shooting took place on 28/01/12. This took place around 3 o'clock, onwards.

Camera shots:
7 shots of filming took place on this day. With us achieving to shot the 1st couple scences and the very last scene.

Crew on set:
There was a total of 4 members of the crew on set. These 4 members being everyone involved in the group; Harry, Jouvan, Adeola and Elizabeth.

Cast required for scenes:
In all the shots filmed today we only needed only member of the group for each scene. So 1 member for each scene but a total number of cast needed was 2.

Equipment needed:
Only equipment needed was the bed used for our victim to lay in and one simple black glove
bed our victim laid in

the actual glove used

Meeting 16/02/12: Continued

After having the discussion between Harry and Jouvan, on which font was better, they both decided it would be better to also get the other group members opinions on the matter.

So by using Blackberry messenger again, Jouvan put the picture up of both the fonts and asked, as a poll, which font worked best and why.

Meeting 16/02/12

Rather than the usual normal meetings, this meeting was entirely different. It was different in the sense of ways of having the meeting and who was, infact, involved within this meeting.

First of this meeting only involved our creative members of the group - Jouvan and Harry - as they were the one's who'd be decideding upon the final font, that would be used in the movies title.

Secondly, as we're all on half-term, meeting would be a bit more different so instead of meeting face to face Harry and Jouvan shared a chat on the network application 'BlackBerry messenger' to have a conversation and hopefully lead to a final decision upon which font would be used for the title.

They shared the picture, below, between each other and decided which font was best and had more of a horror-feel to it. Expect to find out which font they decided upon when you see our final poster and magazine.

Friday 17 February 2012

Part 2 of Filming: Getting everything in place

As our group decided to sort our filming into two seperate days we decided we can take pictures from both days of us getting ready/preparing to film the last part of our movie trailer.

The pictures below are just to show us getting everything in place and making sure our actor was dressed and had make-up on the right way in order to film.

Elizabeth applying make-up upon Adeola, before final shot

Elizabeth directing

Jouvan setting up the tripod, in order to film

Applying the final bits of make-up

Now dressing Adeola to look like the 'victim' she portrays

The rope used for our filming

Thursday 2 February 2012

Shooting script

Green screen:    
Shot 1.
The green screen is used in the beginning of the teaser trailer to show that the following preview has been approved by all audiences. 
                                                                                                                     Sound: None
Slasher Inc logo: 
Shot  2.
Our groups company logo is briefly displayed                                                                                                                                  
                                                                       Sound: Non diegetic music,Haunting tone

Fade to:
Shot 3.  Interior-Bedroom , Night, Low key lighting 
Medium close up, a panning shot of  Isabel turning over in her bed is used to follow her movements from the left to right side of her bed.
                                                                      Sound: Ambient sound, Non diegetic music
Cuts to:
Shot 4.  Interior-Stairs, Night, Low key lighting
Close up, the camera tilts up to show the antagonist slowly walking up the house stairs.
                                                                  Sound: Foley sound effect, Non diegetic music
Cuts to:
Shot 5.  Interior-Bedroom, Night, Low key lighting
Medium close up of Isabel rapidly moving around the bed and suddenly opening her eyes.
                                                                     Sound: Ambient sound, Non diegetic music  

Cuts to:
Shot 6. Interior-Blue screen room, Night, Low key lighting
Steady cam of the antagonist slowly approaching Isabel.
                                                     Sound: Ambient sound, Non digetic, dialogue(screams)

Cuts to:
Shot 7.Interior-Blue screen room,Night, Low key lighting
Over the shoulder shot of the killer placing a weapon near Isabel's lips
                                                        Sound: Ambient sound, Non diegetic music, dialogue 

Cuts to: 
Shot 8.Interior-Blue screen room,Night, Low key lighting
Medium shot, Isabel gets pulled back from the chair. 
                                                                         Sound: Ambient sound, Non diegetic music 

Cuts to: 
Shot 9. Interior-bedroom,Night, Low key lighting
Medium close up, Isabel wakes up from her bed then gets dragged down by the antagonist.
                                                                                        Sound: Panting, Non digetic music

Cuts to:
Shot 10. Credits