Wednesday 30 November 2011


Production team name: ‘Slasher Inc’
Production team contacts:
Movie title:  ‘A beautiful nightmare’
Tagline: ‘dreams can come true’
Format: Video, Teaser Trailer
Genre: Horror – with it being the sub-genre of horror, which is ‘Slasher’
Synopis: Isabel is a tired, single woman trying to catch up on her sleep. Work has been giving her overtime at the local club and lack of sleep has taken its toll on her. One night, she has off, is spent trying to get some rest but thing’s take a turn for the worst as she begins to have a nightmare. Tossing and turning in bed her dream of a man walking up her stairs seems so vivid, almost real.  She proceeds to have a nightmare with a mysterious figure tormenting her and has her fearing for her life. Just as she feels that ‘this is the end’ she wakes up in shock, glad her nightmare is over. But someone has obviously forgotten to tell Isabel that ‘dreams can come true’.
Characters: 2 characters in whole sequence
·      Isabel: She is a young black female struggling to make an adequate amount of money to survive in the world. Living on a rough council estate and working overtime, she has had to make do with working long hours, day and night, just to bring bread to her table. Isabel keeps having sweet dreams about a mysterious figure, but good things don’t last forever, as this mysterious male figure soon turns violent in her dreams leaving the question of ‘who is this’ figure?
Dialog: No dialog to take place apart from the ‘mysterious figure’ saying Isabel’s name, in a creepy tone, and for Isabel to actually be screaming.
Length: 45-60 seconds long
Locations: Filming at one of our group members house, bedroom specifically, and the rest of the filming to be done in our college.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Jouvan's horror movie review

I reviewed the horror film Paranormal Activity 3.The film was very interesting as it used a lot of suspense and tension. The film did so by using fast paced background music and quick cuts which i found very effective in keeping me interested in the film plot. Paranormal Activity is a psychological horror movie about a house which is haunted and has an unwanted ghost inside. I would reward the movie a 4 out of 5 because i feel that it achieved its purpose for a horror movie by frightening the audience and keeping us in suspense.

Harry's horror movie review

Saw IV

The horror movie, in which I reviewed, was number 5 in the series of movies that is 'Saw'.
Saw IV is more of a movie based on gore, rather than the traditional 'make you jump out the seat' type of horror. From the first few scenes you quickly gather that this film is of the 'slasher sub-genre' from the use of devices to kill the victims by slicing them up or decapitating them. I throughly enjoyed this film as the twisted aura of it made you think about real life and whether someone would be ultimately twisted/mental enough to do this in real life. I'd score this film a 5 out of 5, because although it doesn't follow the traditional guidelines for a horror, such as not having a surviving female or an antagonist, it works very well and would make you want to watch the movie over and over again.

Elizabeth's horror movie review


The film 'Insidious' is a supernatural horror film that I found quite scary as it made me jump quite a few times and you could never tell what would happen next. The use of a young protagonist was very clever as young children in horror movies tends to be quite effective. This is because young children are regarded as the most innocent human beings and therefore a possessed/evil child is not something most people would feel comfortable talking about . I gave this film a 4 out of 5 as it was not as predictable as some other horror movies. However, I wouldn't give it a 5 out of 5 as it could have been much scarier, also the monster face that appeared towards the end looked very amateur.

Monday 28 November 2011

Adeola's Horror movie review

Nightmare on Elm street

The horror movie in which I reviewed featured 'Freddy Kruiger' who has featured in some of the most successful horror movies such as 'Freddy vs Jason'. Similarly to our horror trailer Nightmare On Elm Street is a slasher horror and is also the inspiration for our trailer. The poster of the movie also helps indicate this as his hand is a blade. One of the key scenes in the movie show a female victim which is common in horror. A sequence of events happen in her life as though it where a dream when really it was a gruesome reality. I enjoyed the film because it made me jump and I believe this characterisitc represents a succesful horror. I would score 'Nightmare On Elm Street' a 4 out of 5 due to the fact that it follows many of the horror conventions such as a female protaganist. I would not score the movie 5 out of 5 on the basis that it was like a typical horror and could have had a slight variation.

Horror movie reviews

Below are the pictures of the horror movies that our group will review.

Harry: is reviewing Saw IV
Jouvan: is reviewing Paranormal Activity 3
Elizabeth: is reviewing Insidious
Adeola: is reviewing Nightmare On Elm St

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Horror theme Moodboard 1

Our storyboard

Equipment we use

In this picture we are showing one of the lights we will use to add high and low key lighting to our teaser trailer. We had to set up the light by positioning it on the stand and setting it to the area you wanted to illuminate. If you position the light away from the subject then you will achieve low key lighting.

In this picture we are showing how we can use the small light and the big light to illuminate the characters face.

In this picture we are showing Elizabeth holding a hand held light to illuminate the lower area of her face. We practiced positioning the hand held light in different areas to show how we would illuminate certain areas of her face.

In this image there is a big light positioned behind Adeola. She is holding a hand held light on the left side of her face and Jouvan, who can not be seen in the image, is holding a hand held light on the right side of her face. Positioning the lights in these places meant that Adeola's face was well illuminated.

In this picture we are demonstrating how the different positions of the light give of different reflections. As shown in the image one light is reflecting on one side Harry whilst another is turned away from him. This creates a shadow on one side of Harry whilst the other is illuminated.

In  this shot we have Jouvan holding a hand held light on the left side of her face. This shows how important light is because the other side of her face is completely dark.

Sunday 20 November 2011

Preliminary filming images

Our group took pictures of a horror film teaser trailer scene in order to prepare us for our actual teaser trailer. By doing so our group gained knowledge on how to operate the camera as well as becoming familiar with practising film scenes. Harry acted as the priest in this particular scene, the scene was about a priest tying to save a mothers possessed daughter. 

Preliminary Shooting Task

In order to prepare for the filming of our horror teaser trailer, I filmed my little sister making tea. I used cuts, different camera angles and worked with lighting. This was just a rough task to give me a rough idea of filming. 

Adeola Audience Research

As part of our audience research, we decided to undertake an informal questionnare with five people in order to gather information on what things they like to see within a horror movie or just basically what they expect. In order to vary the results we all used different methods for the research

We all agreed to use the first 6 questions in all of our research. Those six questions were;
  • What is your age
  • What is your gender
  • What genre of films do you enjoy the most
  • How long do you expect a teaser trailer to be
  • What colours do you think would be suitable for a horror poster
For the last question within our group we was given the flexibilty to choose the last question to ensure that there was a slight variton in the research.

I done my audience research via the blackberry messenger and I used an application called screen munch to capture the responses.

Questionnaire 1

Questionnaire 2

Questionnaire 3

Questonnaire 4

Questionnaire 5